Enhance your existing workforce skills and gain new ones through our courses for adults with disabilities. Our courses provide you with a foundation of basic skills that help with both the direct and indirect workplace skills that are necessary for getting and keeping a job.

An adult with a disability takes courses at the Noncredit Division of PCC.

Skills developed in Adults with Disabilities classes include:

  • Communicate effectively on the job
  • Locate employment opportunities
  • Problem solve
  • Set goals
  • Stay safe on the job site
  • Manage personal finances
  • Utilize transportation resources to get to and from work
  • Use current computer technology
  • Start and keep professional interpersonal relationships
  • Advocate for personal rights

Looking for DSP&S Services?

Visit our Counseling office in Room 105 of the Foothill Campus or read more about the types of services our DSP&S counselor provides.